Chapter Five: Nursing

It’s not everyday that people wake up and actually enjoy going to work. Family and friends always ask me: “Did you know you always wanted to be a nurse?”. The answer to that question is heck no. It wasn’t until I watched my uncle lose his battle to cancer, that I actually knew I wanted to be a nurse.

Nursing is a work of heart.

Not a day goes by that I’m not thankful for my career choice, and the impact I make on a daily basis. Yes, there are tons of days I come home slamming doors, stomping on stairs and cursing because I’m so frustrated at the disrespect some patients give nurses. More times than none I come home feeling accomplished at how much I was able to impact a patient or their family.

This brings me to another question I get asked all the time. “You’re an ICU nurse? Isn’t it hard dealing with death?”

Well, of course it is. I personally think as nurses, we go into the job knowing death is a possibility, but it isn’t till someone passes you see how difficult it is. I would encourage any nurse or anybody as a matter of fact to journal, or just write down those difficult experiences. Talk about them with other people away from work. Don’t let it build up.

Now if you’re reading this and thinking “I’m not even a nurse, I don’t care about this”. Everyone has the opportunity to make a difference in any profession. Put a smile on at work, be thankful for the opportunity and your attitude will move mountains.

If you are interested in how you can impact someone’s life outside of your everyday career, I encourage you to learn. GET CPR CERTIFIED! Just knowing CPR could save someone’s life. I’ve seen it, time and time again!

Resources to get CPR certified:


If you have any questions, let me know!

Love, H

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