Chapter two: The Divorce Part two

I guess you’re wondering what this storm is? It was my dad’s mistress.

Within months of my parents getting divorced my dad was getting remarried, and no I didn’t miss type that. I mean he was getting remarried. I resented my dad for this selfless decision he made. How could he allow for this to happen? First of all he tore apart a happy family, but then on top of that aloud for another women to establish her “new” home in our home.

This was the boiling point for me. I had tried to forgive my dad initially, but this was the turning point of a very healthy father-daughter relationship. My life has forever been changed by this decision my dad made. I barely see my dad, I had to eliminate the toxic people in my life to fully heal from this experience. You may say family is forever, and don’t get me wrong. I love my dad, but I can’t be in the presence of somebody for their benefit, because his presence was at the detriment of my own health. Remember healthy happy life, not just physically but mentally.

I dont regret this decision. I talk to my dad every now and then. I visit him down in Houston, but our father-daughter relationship is nothing like it was when I was growing up. I think this was the hardest part of my parents divorce. Although, my relationship with my dad dwindled. My mom and I’s relationship flourished. Theres a positive, right?

The best advice I can offer you if you’re struggling through a storm, is to continue to press forward. God gives his hardest battles to his toughest soldiers. I could’ve taken the easy way out, given up because my life got hard and things became so foreign. Instead, I persevered. I still managed to graduate college in 4 years, and as a matter of fact graduate college with honors. I’m the woman I am today, because of these storms.

I’m not afraid of storms, for I’m learning how to sail my ship -Louisa May Alcott

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